Awaken to Self Love

12 week immersion

The road to self-awareness and personal growth never stops. There is always room for improvement. You probably think that learning took place just in school when you were a kid. You may be seeking strategies to develop not only your knowledge base but also yourself now that you’re an adult. This is where personal development comes in. Personal development is what keeps us current. We spend our entire lives understanding the world around us.

In this 12-week program, you’ll go deep into personal growth and healing. You’ll learn how to connect with your authentic self, set healthy boundaries, and create a life that supports your highest vision for yourself.

As a personal development guide, I can assist you in growing no matter where you are in life.

My 12-week program is divided into three important areas:

In our 1st month, we will be focusing on the physical body and its needs.

I will guide you through a variety of practices for you to choose what feels right for you. Here are some of what we may cover:

● Gua sha
● Body love meditations
● Dry brushing and mirror work
● Oiling the body and self-massage
● Shower rituals
● Holistic dental care
● Sleep hygiene
● Body detox
● Tongue scraping
● Breast massage

The 2nd month is dedicated to your mind. To gain positive energy and balance, we will focus on practices that will help you to feel grounded, centered, and calm.

● I am statements
● Setting intentions
● Thymus tapping
● Journalling
● Mindfullness
● Self-inquiry
● Silence
● Presence
● Meditation
● Inner child work
● EFT or tapping
● Breathwork

In the 3rd and final month, we will focus on spiritual growth.

● Forgiveness
● Loving kindness
● Higher self Meditation
● Gratitude
● Prayer
● Calling in guides and angels
● Surrender
● Energy clearing
● Reflection
● Earthing
● Sacred space clearing
● Creating morning and evening rituals
● Why Do You Need Personal Development?

For a peaceful and successful life, we need to balance our spirit along with our minds and take care of our physical bodies. Due to our hectic routines, sometimes it becomes difficult to maintain balance, but you can keep your body, mind, and spirit strengthened through short sessions and simple grounded practices.

We can have the life that we deserve as long as we continue to learn to love and appreciate ourselves. Your career and the essential people in your life will appreciate the time and effort you put into self-improvement.